Author: Katie Camarena
Read the IEU’s latest bargaining update for the Model A Catholic Independent Schools MEAs – Teachers and Support Staff.
Headlines: Principals have endured extraordinary levels of stress and disruption in the past few years, impacting on their mental health.
NewsExtra: IEU recommends a YES vote
IEU’s latest NewsExtra urging all members in Catholic systemic schools to Vote YES on the Enterprise Agreement ballot which will be conducted by your employer.
NewsExtra: Vote YES in the ACT
Read IEU’s latest NewsExtra urging all members in the ACT to Vote YES on the Enterprise Agreement ballot which will be conducted by your employer.
Media Release: Leadership change introduces IEU’s first female Secretary The IEUA NSW/ACT Branch welcomes Carol Matthews into the role of Secretary after a unanimous vote…
Following the union’s threat to notify a dispute if Catholic Employment Relations (CER) did not agree to an urgent meeting to discuss the pay and…
The IEU’s latest bargaining update for members in Model C Catholic independent schools.
Join the IEU
Dear IEU Member Please download and read the bargaining update for the Model A Catholic Independent Schools MEAs – Teachers and Support Staff. The employers’…
Dear IEU Member Please download a bargaining update for the Model B Catholic Independent Schools MEAs – Teachers and Support Staff. The employers’ most recent…