We campaign for better salaries and better working conditions for you in Catholic Systemic Schools.
The majority of IEU members are those who work in schools within the Catholic system, across 11 catholic dioceses in NSW and the ACT. There are 591 schools in the Catholic system, and the IEU has members in teaching and other education support roles.
Through custom and practice, the Catholic systemic employers offer pay and conditions of employment that are aligned with those in the government sector. The IEU, in its role as bargaining representative for employees, ensures that members are receiving no less than their government school counterparts. The IEU has successfully negotiated Work Practices agreements with most catholic system employers which are regularly updated and improved to better manage the workload expectations and work practices impacting our members.
In 2023, following a long battle we have achieved salary parity for support staff working in catholic systemic schools. We also welcomed the Diocese of Broken Bay in making a separate enterprise agreement that offers rates of pay above those in NSW government schools. This step was unprecedented but a pathway to ensure IEU members receive the conditions they deserve.

Recent Catholic Systemic Schools News
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