ECEC Extra: Pay rise campaign updates

There is progress in the quest for multi-employer/whole of sector agreements to address pay and conditions in the ECEC sector: transformative change is within reach.

Long day care – supported bargaining update

The long day care proceedings continue with the assistance of the Fair Work Commission.

The IEU (with the Australian Education Union and United Workers Union) claim for a fully funded 25 per cent pay rise and improved conditions for teachers and educators is being considered by the federal government.

The government advised it will take the outcome of the Annual Wage Review (which will deliver a 3.75% increase to early childhood teachers and educators on 1 July) into consideration before advising the IEU of the amount of funding. The government has committed to funding a wage increase, we await outcomes now from Fair Work Commission processes.

At the ACTU Congress dinner in early June, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese recognised the work of those who “teach our youngest Australians” and reaffirmed his government’s commitment to a pay rise for staff in the long day care sector, many of whom are IEU members. 

“Now that the Fair Work Commission has outlined a clear way forward on gender-based wage increases, our government will move quickly to deliver on the commitment we made in last month’s budget: an overdue pay rise for workers in early childhood education,” Mr Albanese said.

Preschools – supported bargaining update

The IEU will lodge an application with the Fair Work Commission to seek a supported bargaining authorisation for preschools across NSW in early July. So far, more than 60 community-based preschools will be part of this application, standing with preschool teachers to demand the NSW government fund improved pay and conditions in the preschool sector.

Thanks to all our fantastic preschool teacher ambassadors and our preschool teacher members, our voice is being heard. We need a substantial pay rise and equity with school teachers. 

If you want to get involved in our ECEC campaign or just need more information, email Kate Damo on, Lisa James on or Tina Smith on

This update is part of the May 2024 edition of EXEC Extra enewsletter (formerly known as Teachers R Teachers). ECEC Extra is distributed to early childhood teachers, long day care centres and preschools three times per year. You can read past editions of ECEC Extra on our enews homepage or stay across all our updates for early childhood teachers on our ECEC page or via our Facebook community group for members only.