Expressions of Interest: NESA Focus Groups

The union is calling for expressions of interest for members to participate in NESA Focus Groups to review new draft syllabuses in the following subjects:

  • Biology and Living World Science Life Skills 11–12
  • Chemistry and Chemical World Science Life Skills 11–12
  • Earth and Environmental Science and Earth and Space Science Life Skills 11–12
  • Physics and Physical World Life Skills 11–12
  • Economics 11–12
  • Legal Studies and Citizenship and Legal Studies Life Skills 11–12
  • Dance and Dance Life Skills 11–12
  • Drama and Drama Life Skills 11–12
  • Music 1 and Music Life Skills 11–12
  • Music 2 and Music Extension 11–12

The union’s recommendations will be based on the criteria below and the understanding that those nominated by the union represent all members. Recommended teachers will have:

  • Qualifications or extensive knowledge in their subject area
  • Current experience and expertise in teaching in their subject area

If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete the Member Nomination Form and return it to (Attention: Tania) by close of business on Wednesday 18 September. NESA will then have a further selection process and will communicate the next steps, as appropriate.