Monday, 14 August 2023
The IEUA NSW/ACT Executive met on Friday 11 August, to consider the progress of the dispute between the NSW Teachers Federation and the NSW Government on teacher pay.
“Pay rates for teachers in NSW public schools are directly relevant to teachers in NSW Catholic systemic schools,” Mark Northam, Secretary of the IEUA NSW/ACT Branch, said.
“There is a teacher shortage in Catholic schools as well and our employers need to act and tell the Government to act on teacher pay”.
The IEU Executive passed a motion authorising protected action should the teacher pay dispute not be resolved by Friday 18 August 2023. The motion also urges members to show support for the campaign by taking photos of their Chapter members wearing yellow and holding slogans on teacher pay. The IEUA NSW/ACT will send these onto local MPs to keep up the political pressure.
The IEUA NSW/ACT Executive will meet again on Friday 18 August 2023 to discuss the specifics of potential protected action in support of teacher pay.
Authorised by Mark Northam, IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Secretary (0427 667 061)
Media: Brigitte Garozzo, 0488 847 469, brigitte@ieu.asn.au
The IEUA NSW/ACT Branch represents over 32,000 teachers, principals and support staff in Catholic and independent schools, early childhood centres and post-secondary colleges.