Zoom for Management Committees about the Preschool multi-employer agreement
IEU members in community-based stand-alone preschools not covered by an enterprise agreement are encouraged to invite the President of their Management Committee to attend a Zoom meeting with the IEU regarding the Preschool MEA on 1 May or 6 May from 6pm to 6.45 pm.
IEU organisers Kate Damo and Lisa James will facilitate the Zoom alongside an IEU industrial officer. Other Committee Members are welcome to attend, as well as any teachers if they would like to learn more about the Preschool multi-employer agreement and our campaign.
PLEASE RSVP: We would like some idea of how many people will join so if you could confirm approximate numbers and the date they wish to attend that would be helpful.
Email your RSVP: ecec@ieu.asn.au
Zoom links are available on the Facebook group for IEU members or can be emailed to you once you RSVP.
For more information about the campaign please visit our campaign page.
If you are an early childhood teacher and an IEU member, be sure to check out our Facebook group.
Wednesday 1 May 2024:
Topic: Preschool Multi-Enterprise Agreement Meeting
- Time: May 1, 2024 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
- LINK available on the Facebook group
Monday 6 May 2024:
Topic: Preschool Multi-Enterprise Agreement II
- Time: May 6, 2024 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
- LINK available on the Facebook group

Did you miss the campaign launch? All the pics available via the social media post below