15% pay rise secured for ECEC Workers
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workers in Long Day Care (LDC) centres and Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) have won a 15% fully funded pay increase!
The IEU, along with the AEU and UWU, has been fighting for fair wages through a supported bargaining process. This historic win was made possible by a joint union application, which brought together unions, employer groups, and the federal government to improve pay and conditions for ECEC workers.
What is the Worker Retention Payment?
The Worker Retention Payment delivers a 15% wage increase for the ECEC workforce over two years, fully funded by the federal government. This payment is provided to LDC and OSHC services and must be passed directly to workers in the form of a pay rise.
What does this mean for you?
- A 10% pay increase backdated to 2 December 2024
- An additional 5% pay increase from 1 December 2025
- Improved pay progression for provisionally accredited teachers
- Paid release time to mentor early career teachers
- Paid leave to attend union training
If you work in LDC or OSHC, your service is likely eligible for this pay rise.
It’s not too late to be part of this historic pay rise – Register your service today to be part of this historic deal.
Contact the IEU today to register your centre.