News Extra


Read our NewsExtra’s discussing important union news below:

  • NewsExtra: Vote YES Principals EA 2024 (Sydney Catholic Schools)

    Lastest NewsExtra sent to principals employed by Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS). The enterprise agreement (EA) has been finalised. Voting for the EA will occur by…

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  • News Extra: AIS Standards Model Schools

    Read the latest NewsExtra bargaining update for IEU members in AIS Standards Model Schools concerning enterprise bargaining. We encourage members to discuss this with other IEU…

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  • NewsExtra: Revised CSA teacher offer still short of the mark

    Here’s the latest NewsExtra bargaining update regarding recent developments in our enterprise agreements negotiations with Christian Schools Australia (CSA). Whilst we’ve achieved an in-principle agreement…

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  • NewsExtra: AIS Hybrid Model Schools

    Read the latest NewsExtra bargaining update for IEU members in AIS Hybrid Model Schools concerning enterprise bargaining. We encourage members to discuss this with other IEU…

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  • NewsExtra: Vote YES Principals EA 2024

    Lastest NewsExtra sent to principals in the nine Catholic dioceses (excluding Sydney and Broken Bay) regarding the NSW and ACT Catholic Systemic Principals Enterprise Agreement…

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  • NewsExtra: Vote YES – Model C multi-enterprise agreements

    Following a protracted period of bargaining, the Model C schools multi-enterprise agreements (MEAs) have been finalised. The next step is a formal vote of employees…

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  • NewsExtra: Agreement reached for staff in Catholic independent schools (Models A, B, C)

    The IEU has finalised the multi-enterprise agreements (MEAs) covering teachers and support staff in about 40 Catholic independent schools (Models A, B and C).  Read…

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  • NewsExtra: Vote YES for your EA by 5pm Friday

    Catholic systemic schools claim 2022-2023: Following a long Hear Our Voice campaign, we have finally achieved an enterprise agreement that contains significant benefits for our…

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