News Extra


Read our NewsExtra’s discussing important union news below:

  • NewsExtra: Next steps for the pay rises in NSW

    The IEU has written to members in Catholic systemic schools (except Broken Bay) with updated information on pay rises in NSW.

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  • NewsExtra: Independent Schools Update

    See the Independent Schools Update sent to all members in independent schools covered by the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) MEAs.

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  • NewsExtra: Christian Schools Australia’s position not tenable

    17 October 2023 Read the latest NewsExtra for IEU members in Christian schools regarding the commencement of negotiations for new multi-enterprise agreements.

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  • NSW public sector: teacher pay dispute settles

    Public sector negotiations The IEU has been advised that the NSW Teachers Federation has just reached agreement with the NSW Government for a restructure of…

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  • News Extra: Catholic Systemic Schools – Update

    IEU receives draft enterprise agreement For the first time in over 12 months of negotiations, the IEU received a draft Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise Agreement…

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  • News Extra: Catholic Systemic Schools – Special Broken Bay Update

    Catholic Schools Broken Bay opts out For the first time in over 12 months of negotiations, the IEU received a draft “without prejudice” Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise…

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