Only with large number of support staff belonging to the IEU can we negotiate effectively on your behalf for better pay and conditions.
This is especially true for professional, administration and operational staff in independent schools, where the IEU is negotiating with employers to improve your enterprise agreement this month and next.
Support staff in independent schools are often paid less than those in Catholic systemic and government schools – often by as much as $10,000 less per annum for administrative staff, and in the case of school psychologists, $30,000 less per annum.
Take action! Download our recruitment poster and stick it on the union noticeboard in your staff room or meal room.
Encourage your colleagues to join the IEU and be part of the push for better pay and conditions.
Download the poster here.
This update is part of the May 2024 edition of Gaining Ground enewsletter.
You can read past editions of Gaining Ground on our enews homepage or stay across all our updates on LinkedIn.
Gaining Ground is distributed to support staff members of the IEU two times per year.