Bedrock November 2023

This edition features a beautiful story about exploring different spaces (in this case the beach) from a preschool on the mid-north coast.

Read about the projects undertaken by this year’s IEU Environment Grant winners and discover key considerations when it comes to connecting with nature.

What constitutes bullying in the workplace, and how can you be more assertive at work? We have some advice on navigating these difficult areas.

As always, we encourage you to share this email with colleagues and invite them to join the IEU. We are always stronger together.

Mark Northam, 
IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Secretary

Here’s a sample of articles from this issue of Bedrock. Or you can click through to explore the whole publication.

Bedrock is the early childhood magazine of the NSW/ACT Independent Education Union.

Visit the Bedrock archive to read past editions.